Google co-founder Sergey Brin paid a little visit to The Gavin Newsom Show this past week, wearing the now famous Google Glass spectacles. During the hour long interview, which airs this Friday on Current TV, Sergey Brin talks about the 3 year long Google Glass project, as well as his new role with the Google X division and his active role with the research and development team. This is also the first time we get a little better idea of how Google Glass is navigated with Sergey directing Newsom to not touch the “pad on the side.” Yup, looks like the specs have a built in touchpad, controlled by gesture swipes.
In a rare event, Sergey was actually generous enough to let someone else try on the spectacles, gracing Mr. Newsom with the rare opportunity test them for himself. Gavin Newsom — who closely resembles an 80′s action villain — questioned the functionality of Google Glass, but just like a doubting Thomas, his eyes were opened after seeing, only for brief moment, the world through Google’s eyes.
Newsom would later say how impressed he was with the image quality of the tiny display, saying that the “image was remarkably clear,” and that the headset was “a heck of a lot further along than people have imagined.”
So just when can we expect the revolutionary glasses to launch? Brin said he had some hopes that Google Glass will debut next year, however minute. You can watch the short clip from the interview below, meanwhile, I’ll be taking a cold shower…
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