Saturday, July 07, 2012

FlashPunk Game Engine Ported To Android – More Old-School Platformers Headed Our Way?

Ask any of my friends (who am I kidding, I don’t have any) and they would have told you that I have a long had a love affair with old-school side-scrollers. Call it nostalgia, but jumping, shooting, dodging, dying (lots and lots of dying) — it’s all my cup of tea. Needless to say, I was pretty jazzed when cruising throughReddit to find a whole lot more platformers and side-scrollers could be soon headed our way thanks to the FlashPunk — game Flash-based game engine that was just ported over to Android.
FlashPunk is free, open-sourced software that developers can use to make good old fashioned, fun lovin’ 2D Flash games. The Android port, still in its infancy, has a few more optimizations that still need to be implemented to get everything running “more awesome,” but even in this early stage, it’s more than functional. To prove his work, the developer even put together a very quick/rough platforming game (link below) to show off how easy it will be to port and create new games for Android. You can find all the resources below.
I’ve included a throwback video (below) to give you guys an idea of the kind of content I’m talking about here. No, the games wont look like Call of Duty. Yes, they will still blow your mind. I’m pretty darn hyped, Phandroids. More about FlashPunk here.

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