Sunday, May 27, 2012

Patched ICS Bootloaders, Dual Booting, and More for the Iconia A500

With users becoming more and more comfortable with the Iconia A500 root and bootloader unlocking processes, it was only a matter of time before development hit a new level and things really started taking off. This is now the case with the Acer Iconia A500, which recently received ICS and a bootloader unlock. And today, this comes in the form of a patched ICS bootloader and support for dual booting.
XDA Senior Member Skrilax_CZ contributes to the A500 community by releasing six modified versions of the ICS unlocked bootloader, a dual booting guide, and a general FAQ to help users who don’t quite have a grasp on what’s going on.
The problem began when the final ICS version came out, and Iconia users lost the ability to use the oldfastboot oem unlock method to unlock their bootloaders and obtain root. For those already rooted and unlocked, this wasn’t a big issue. However, for users who are just now buying the tablet, it kinda puts a stink on everything. Skrilax_CZ kindly gives users links to the guides to flash these unlocked and modified ICS bootloaders. Additionally, Skrilax_CZ lists all the fastboot commands that each version of the modified bootloader can use.
Additionally, there’s even a guide to dual boot as of version 5 of the modified bootloader. The process is a little complicated and requires the use of fastboot, but for the preliminary stages of dual booting that is only to be expected.
For copious additional information, download links, source links, instructions, and much more, head on over to the original thread.

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