Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Google Patent Reveals Android Beam Meant To Do More?

Google and Oracle are still going at it pretty strong and even though Page, Schmidt, Ruben and Google in general have been handing Oracle’s rear to them on a platter, quite a number of tidbits have been revealed over the course of the trail.  All sorts of factoids have been coming out about the Android OS, which I’m sure Google isn’t ultimately pleased about. However, from a tech journalist’s perspective, it’s flat out juicy news.  The latest to be revealed from the trial is a Google patent revealing NFC functionality between Android handsets.  The only question here is, could this be referring to Android Beam or something else?
Android has had Beam since at least October of 2011 which isn’t new news, however, the patent revealed other aspects of the technology dubbed “sharing application states”, to work with apps and functions like messaging, phone call status and playback positions for video and audio.  So, now that we’ve seen how Android Beam has come into play, could there be something else up Google’s sleeve with the function?  We sure hope so.  Stay tuned as we dig a little deeper to find out exactly how Google intends to use Beam in any other way other than just transferring items between devices.
source: USPTO 

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