Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Screen protector confirms Samsung Galaxy S III screen size and shape

We are little over 24 hours away from what could be the biggest mobile announcement of the year, but that won’t stop rumors and leaks. Today we have a screen protector from Colorant, a South Korean company. They are releasing a new product called USG (Ultimate Screen Guard) and of course it will be for the Galaxy S III.
Although Samsung is doing a great job in keeping things a secret, unfortunately they still need to share details with manufacturers such as these so they can design protectors, cases, and other accessories. They can’t wait until the official unveiling. In this situation, the packaging states that it was made in Japan, but finished in Korea. Obviously that’s because they had to test them on demo units provided by Samsung.
Unwire Hong Kong was able to get a hold of these protectors and apply them to the Galaxy S II, Galaxy S II LTE, and HTC One X. You can see they don’t fit any of them as they are a light bigger. That pretty much confirms the 4.8-inch display. You can also see that they plan on having a center hardware button (at least for the global version) just like the Galaxy S II. One other thing to notice is the rounded edges of the display in the close up below, which resemble the Galaxy Nexus.

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